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Basic Preparation: Store in cool, dry place. Place mix in bowl. Using a paddle, gradually add water while mixing on low speed 1 minute. Scrape bowl and paddle. Change to high speed and continue mixing until icing is light and creamy. Use immediately or cover to prevent dehydration.
Made from wheat flour and malted barley extracts, this powder easily mixes with ice cream to create old-fashioned malted milkshakes or sundaes. Low in sodium and fat, this powder blend features a high content of favorable carbohydrates.
Decorating is a great way to increase profits, charge more while driving impulse purchases. Finishing does not need to be difficult or time consuming when you use Gold Medal ready to spread icings.
This versatile, convenient, and shelf-stable dairy product can be used to replace both milk and cream in cooking applications, without any recipe changes. Evaporated milk ensures performance by providing resistance against curdling, weeping, and separation.